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Updating Osclass

Updating Osclass



Automatic Update

These are short instructions, if you need more information go to the forum.
  1. Take a backup of your database and files.
  2. If you have permalinks enabled, you should disable before update Osclass.
  3. Go to Tools > Upgrade Osclass and if you pass the requirements, it'll appear a button to upgrade your installation.
  4. Finally, remember to enable your permalinks if you have disabled before.
NOTE: In some versions you may get some warning messages, but the update is done correctly. However, we're aware that auto-update doesn't work in version 2.0.2. So, if you have Osclass 2.0.2 you should update manually your installation.

Manual Update

These are short instructions, we're going to extend more in the future. If you experience problems you should report them in the forum.
For these instructions, it is assumed that your Osclass URL is http://example.com/.

Step 1: Take a backup

You should take a backup of your database and files. All your data is held in the database, so you will need to have a copy just in case you change your mind after upgrading and need to go back. The same reasons is sustained to take a backup of oc-content folder.

Step 2: Replace Osclass files

  1. Get the latest Osclass (zip or tar.gz)
  2. Unpack the zip file that you downloaded
  3. Using FTP or you SSH, upload the new files. You should replace all the old Osclass files with the new ones: oc-admin and oc-includes directories and sub-directories, and in the root directory (ajax.php, contact.php, index.php, item.php and so on). Do NOT delete config.php file.
  4. Be careful when you come to copying the oc-content directory. You should make sure that you only copy the files from inside this directory, rather than replacing your entire oc-content directory. If you have customized the default theme without renaming them, make sure not to overwrite those files, otherwise you will lose your changes. (Though you might want to compare them for new features or fixes...)

Step 3: Update your installation

If you have permalinks enabled, you should disable it before updating Osclass. Then, update your installation. Just enter to the oc-admin (http://www.example.com/oc-admin/) and it will appear a button to update your database if it's necessary.

before v2.4
Visit http://www.example.com/oc-admin/index.php?page=upgrade&action=upgrade-funcs. If a database upgrade is necessary, Osclass will update your database to be compatible with the last code. If some new values in t_preference are necessary, it will update too.

Final steps

Your update is complete. Remember to activate permalinks if you have disabled before. It wasn't too difficult, was it? If anything goes wrong, you should go to the forum.


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