Updating Osclass Contents [ hide ] 1 Automatic Update 2 Manual Update 2.1 Step 1: Take a backup 2.2 Step 2: Replace Osclass files 2.3 Step 3: Update your installation 2.4 Final steps Automatic Update These are short instructions, if you need more information go to the forum . Take a backup of your database and files. If you have permalinks enabled, you should disable before update Osclass. Go to Tools > Upgrade Osclass and if you pass the requirements, it'll appear a button to upgrade your installation. Finally, remember to enable your permalinks if you have disabled before. NOTE: In some versions you may get some warning messages, but the update is done correctly. However, we're aware that auto-update doesn't work in version 2.0.2. So, if you have Osclass 2.0.2 you should update manually your installation. Manual Update These are short instructions, we're going to extend more in the future...
Changing the color of the category count Changing the color od the category count in modern theme at the homepage is very easy. We are going to change the following : We are working on the lines 55 and 59 of main.php (oc-content/themes/modern/main.php) Line 55 (a little part of it) ( echo osc_category_total_items() ; ?> ) Change it to ( echo osc_category_total_items() ; ?> ) Line 59 ( echo osc_category_total_items() ; ?> ) change it to ( echo osc_category_total_items() ; ?> ) Open the style.cc file (located at oc-content/themes/modern/css/style.css ) Add the following lines at the end of the file .home #main .categories .category span.parent_cat_total_items { color :red;} span.sub_cat_total_items { color : blue ;} Replace red and blue with the colors you want.